Interview with Ruthie Fraser | 2024 | LISTEN HERE>>

WINNER - Best of the Bay     |    OCTOBER 2016


SONIMA   |    February 8, 2016

100 Most Influential Yoga Teachers in America

True teachers remind us of what’s most important. They remind us how to practice when we lose our way. They illuminate our paths, they challenge us to grow, they delight in our evolution. A teacher-student relationship is one of the most sacred ties we have. In his seminal book,Light on Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar implies that this connection between teacher and student is the most central in our lives. » read the entire article


JAPAN  |  APRIL 2018

SELF MAGAZINE           |      JANUARY 2016

5 Brilliant Tips For Starting A Home Yoga Practice

Young says she keeps a notebook next to her mat. “When I think of tasks during my practice, instead of popping off my mat into action, I quickly jot them down. I usually end up with a list of phone calls to make, emails to write, and dust bunnies to destroy.'” » read the entire article  

YOGA JOURNAL      |     SEPTEMBER 2, 2015

Create Space for a Dedicated Home Practice

More than 50 yoga teachers and practitioners invited us into their homes to share their personal practice spaces and habits for the new Yoga Journal–presented book Yoga at Home: Inspiration for Creating Your Own Home Practice, by Linda Sparrowe. Here, a sneak peek at some of their stories to inspire you to create your own dedicated yoga space and embrace a practice that works for you. » read the entire article